In reference to my earlier post:

voltron says: you’re mom is gonna buy a gun…. sweeeeet

Lion-O says: scary, huh?

voltron says: definitely a shotgun

voltron says: …with sawed off handle and barrel of course

Lion-O says: naturally

voltron says: tell em to get an AK

Lion-O says: I was thinking grenade launcher

voltron says: all the kids have em….they’re in

voltron says: yeah… but then you have to like set it up and drop them in….you might not have time for all that

Lion-O says: you could if you sleep with it

voltron says: i dont think your mom could handle a shotgun

voltron says: they are clunky and heavy

voltron says: she needs to take advantage of her agility….

voltron says: go for the glock 21…… or sig sauer

Lion-O says: right, and her innate Asian kung-fu style

voltron says: never hurts to have some shuriken tucked away in the pockets…

Lion-O says: true true

voltron says: they can be used very effectively with smoke balls

Lion-O says: wait, I’m writing this down… smoke balls…

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