I’m not sure what the reason for being so reclusive is, but I will say that traveling alone makes me more introspective and sometimes damn near anti-social. Of course, the fact that no one here can speak my language (or, more correctly, I can’t speak the language of everyone here) is a big part of it, I’m sure.
This is why I have never been able to understand going on vacation by yourself. Is that even enjoyable? To me, a lot of the enjoyment of something comes from the sharing of it with others.
I’m not sure why I said that. Many of the things I do, I do as a loner… but seeing a new place(?) that I would rather do with s friend.
My goal for the day, walk to a temple without sweating to death (“That’s not possible!” you say. Hey buddy, easy for you to say, you’re not actually here. I think the humidity makes the “feels like” temperature somewhere around 207)