Some stuff I found today:

.: at …it was weird to be around college guys again. They are so young. I forget what a drag they can be. They’re not particularly good conversationalists. The one conversation I did hear revolved around flunking a bowling class (bowling for goodness sake!) and having to take it over. Wow, not exactly my kind of people.

.: from jish: Having just crawled out of a hole, I hadn’t heard the news that mobile phone carriers will be required (as of Nov.24) to allow users to retain “ownership” of their telephone number, even if they switch providers.

.: from a simple hero: I can easily think of a few wrong ways to eat a Reese’s.

.: from oblivio: If I wanted, I could regret getting back together the second time. Also the third. I could even regret getting back together the fourth time, if I wanted. But what�s the point? You do what you do and what happens happens. It�s too easy to look back and say you shouldn�t have done what you did, given what happened. How were you supposed to know what was going to happen?

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