petrol is pricey

Wow. Go here and take a look at my post from 02.23.2003. Or better, yet, I’ll just re-create it here:

I just spent $27 on a tank-full of regular 87 octane gas. Thank you, President Bush.


If I may, I’d like to update it for the present day, a mere 5 years later:

I just spent $75 on a tank-full of regular 87 octane gas. Fuck YOU, President Bush.

And because I’m a dork, that equates to:
.: $48 increase in just over 5 years
.: roughly $9.00 per year
.: $0.75 per month! (accounting exactly for the 64 months it’s been since that first post)

Imagine if your precious Big Mac (which I think is about $3.50USD these days) rose $0.75 every month, America. That baby would be $8 by Christmas! [OK, so that’s not a strictly fair analogy…but it IS exciting and inflammatory, right? Just like Fox News!]

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